What is a Workers’ Compensation payroll audit?
Workers’ compensation insurance is a type of insurance that is almost always required by state law for any company that has employees, and in some states, for those who use independent contractors. It provides financial protection for workers who get hurt or sick on the job. It also protects businesses from the high cost of workplace injuries. Participating in a workers’ compensation payroll audit is required to be covered by workers’ compensation insurance.
That’s true because, with workers’ comp, payroll is used to calculate your cost. A workers’ comp audit is performed annually after your policy expires, according to terms in your policy, to determine actual payroll and modify the amount paid for coverage as needed.

What happens in a Workers’ Comp audit?
In a workers’ compensation payroll audit, an auditor reviews your records to calculate your total payroll for the policy period. Some individuals’ pay may be exempt or subject to payroll minimums and maximums if they’re owners or officers.
A workers’ comp payroll audit doesn’t change the rate in your original policy. It just determines the actual payroll the rate is applied to.
The auditor also checks to see if any independent contractors you used during the policy period had their own coverage in place. If not, your premium may be changed based on any payments made to them.
A workers’ compensation payroll audit is a very straightforward process. But you can contact a licensed insurance expert about your workers’ compensation insurance audit if you have questions about what will happen.
How should I prepare for a Workers’ Comp insurance audit?
Getting ready for a workers’ comp audit involves gathering the information that the auditor will need. You should plan on providing:
Creating a Workers’ Comp audit checklist
Having a workers’ compensation audit checklist is essential as you get ready for your audit. Many companies find it helpful to create a checklist of the items they’ll need as soon as they buy their policy. Your checklist should also note where to find the information. That way, when you’re contacted to schedule your review, you know what your workers’ compensation audit requirements are and can find the information the auditor will need quickly and efficiently.
Different types of Workers’ Compensation audits
There are two main types of workers’ comp audits. A voluntary workers’ comp audit is done by mail. We send you an audit form within 60 days of the policy expiration. You complete the form promptly and return it. The form typically includes the classification codes shown on your policy and requests payroll information for each classification. In a voluntary audit, you are also asked to return tax reports and other documentation to support the payroll figures you provide.
The second type of workers’ compensation audit is called a physical audit or field audit. In that scenario, an auditor contacts you to schedule a time to visit your place of business. It’s important that you get the audit scheduled soon after being contacted. In a physical audit, the same type of review of your payroll information is performed.
The type of audit conducted for your policy depends on things like the nature of your business and the size of your premium. It’s important to comply with workers’ compensation audit requirements as soon as you’re contacted. Failing to have an audit conducted in a timely manner is a violation of your insurance agreement and will result in a higher premium and/or penalties being charged.
Who works with biBerk on a Workers’ Compensation payroll audit?
Various people might be involved in a workers’ comp audit.
Business owners and managers
In some small businesses, the owner or a manager takes the lead on meeting the company’s workers’ compensation audit requirements. They’re typically busy people with lots of other tasks, so they appreciate that we simplify the process for them. We make it clear what we need so they can gather and provide the necessary information to comply with the audit.
HR professionals
At small businesses that have someone focused on human resources issues, that person might be the one who handles the workers’ comp audit. They’re looking for clarity on what’s needed for the process, and we explain the requirements in a clear, straightforward way. This helps prevent common errors that can cause delays and helps ensure accurate reporting and prevent unnecessary premium adjustments or penalties.
Because workers’ comp audits involve payroll, it’s common for accountants to be involved. Our expert guidance helps streamline audit preparation and minimize the time commitment from busy financial professionals. Knowing what’s expected of the business helps ensure that payroll classifications and figures are accurate.
Workers' Comp audit FAQ
Some of the questions business owners frequently ask about a workers’ comp payroll audit include:
Why is a workers’ comp insurance audit important?
It’s important for a few reasons. First, most states require insurance companies to audit a majority, if not all, of their policies. Also, an audit is important because it means you won’t be paying too much for your workers’ comp coverage.
When does a workers’ comp insurance audit happen?
It generally occurs 30 to 90 days after your policy ends even if you cancel. So this means you could owe money for past coverage if your actual payroll was higher than your estimate for that policy period.
What payroll is included in a workers’ compensation audit?
A workers’ comp audit includes salary and wages. In other words, total earnings paid to employees, including bonuses and overtime pay.
Is my workers' comp premium based on gross or net wages?
Premiums are based on gross wages paid to W-2 and 1099 employees.
Do I have to provide information on overtime pay in a workers’ comp audit?
Yes, you should provide evidence of overtime wages for covered employees on a valid payroll report.
Are tips considered part of payroll in a workers' comp audit?
No, they are not.
What is the definition of an independent contractor?
An independent contractor is typically defined as someone who provides services to customers based on a predetermined fee. They generally have multiple customers and work without direct supervision by the customer.
How do I prove an independent contractor has their own workers’ compensation insurance?
The contractor should provide you with a valid Certificate of Insurance for their workers’ comp policy. It will show them as the insured and your company as a certificate holder.
Can my company’s officers be excluded from workers’ compensation coverage?
Most states allow companies to exclude business owners and officers from coverage.
What happens if you ignore a workers’ comp audit?
In buying your policy, you agreed to a workers' comp payroll audit. If you refuse to provide the necessary information, you will be charged a higher premium and/or a penalty. This penalty is sometimes called an audit noncompliance charge.